quantico VR
entice audiences to take a closer look at the Lexus LX and their favorite show.
Turning product placement into product participation via the power of 360˚ video. We worked directly with the writers and talent of ABC’s hottest new drama, Quantico, to break creative and technological barriers. In a first for ABC, fans starred alongside their favorite heroes as they tackled a high-stakes that contributed to the plot of future episodes. We launched the immersive, canonical content piece at the height of fan appetite during the midseason break across mobile, desktop, headset, and Apple TV. Best of all, millions fans were happily spending minutes inside and outside the LX without ever leaving their arm chairs.
Launched ABC’s VR experience
Over 3.5 Million videos views across YouTube and FaceBook 360 Platforms
With each viewer spending 93 seconds in the Lexus LX
33MM earned media impressions (coverage in Variety, Fortune, Adweek and more)
Over 3.5 Million videos views across YouTube and FaceBook 360 Platforms
With each viewer spending 93 seconds in the Lexus LX
33MM earned media impressions (coverage in Variety, Fortune, Adweek and more)
Case study video
360 video
Either visit this page on your mobile phone or use your mouse to look around in the embedded 360 film above.